Sunday 6 March 2016

21 facts about lord SHIVA you should know

1. Shiva is the oldest Hindu God who was mentioned as early as the Vedic period by the name of Rudra.

2. There are references to Shiva as the all powerful God in the Ramayana and Mahabharata.

3. He is a part of the Holy trinity of Hindu Gods along with Brahma and Vishnu.

4. Shiva consumed the dangerous poison Halahala which came out after Samudra Manthan (churning of the milk ocean), thus saving the Universe.

5. Parvati, an incarnation of Goddess Shakti is Lord Shiva’s companion.

6. Mount Kailash is known as the abode of Shiva, where he resides with his family.

7. Ganesha and Murugan are the children of Shiva and Shakti.

8. Nandi the holy bull is the Vahana of Shiva.

9. Shakti’s Vahana is a lion.

10. Shiva is associated with the masculine energy or Purusha and Shakti is associated with the feminine energy or Prakriti.

11. The Ganga river flows from the matted locks of Shiva.12. Shakti is the Goddess of power and also the Divine force of the Universe.

13. Hanuman is the 11th incarnation of Shiva

14. The Nataraja form of Lord Shivais associated with the destruction and the re-creation of the Universe.

15. Shiva’s weapon is the trident or Trishul, which signifies the forces of creation, preservation and destruction.

16. Lord Shiva has 19 Avatars or reincarnations including Bhairav, Hanuman, Ashvatama, Pipladd etc. among others.

17. Maa Shakti has 9 Avatars including Shailaputri, Brahmachariniand Maha Gauri

18. Ardhnarishwar is the half Shiva-half Shakti form of Lord Shiva and Maa Shakti and it represents the absoluteness of God.

19. Shakti is the nurturer of fertility and strength in the material world.

20. Shiva is the protector of the spirit realm and the regulator of Shakti in the Universe.

21. Shiva and Shakti are consideredthe Father and Mother of the Universe.

The most DANGEROUS place in india

1. Phugtal Monastery - Built on a cliffsideThis surreal Monastery, known as the Phugtal Gompa, is situated in Ladakh and is built in the form of a honeycomb cut intothe side of the cliffside. A precipitous climb to the spot and very limited options for food make this a place you prepare yorself to go to. The dizzying heights are commonplace for the locals, but anyone else might have a hard time.

2. Bastar- Swarming with naxalsThis district of Chattisgarh is home to beautiful and wide ranging forests and rivers. The large and unmanned woodland is also the perfect spot for guerilla activity, making this green paradise a hotbed of Naxal movement. Several attacks and firefights in the region have ensured low footfalls but high body counts.

3. Dras- The 2nd coldest habitable area in the worldAlso known as the 'Gateway to Ladakh', this town in J&K; is famous for being one of the spots attacked during the Kargil war and being a generally high militancy area. It is also however, the second coldest inhabitable area in the world. So if you're lucky enough to not get shot down by a military incursion, you still have to contend with hypothermia: not exactly great odds.

4. Thar Desert - Did someone say Black Cobra?This eternal sandscape might be stunning beyond words, but it's beauty also hides a bite. The arid and dry conditions make for difficult travelling even if you're well supplied with water and food. There's also the presence of the Saw Scaled Viper, the large Rat Snake, Black Cobra, Sand Boa, wild cats and countless other creatures just waiting to bite your head off (not literally but you get the gist of it).

5. Khardung La - Highest road, lowest oxygenThe world's highest motorable road is located in Ladakh and is a 3 hour drive up from Leh. The winding roads, high altitude and direct sunlight come together to give most people's stomachs a run for their money. Sometimes things even go beyond tummy trouble, but lets pray that doesn't happen.

6. Interior Assam - Lumding to Haflong railway terrorThe region between Lumding and Haflong are equal parts amazing and terrifying. Thelush natural forest and nature stands in stark contrast to the brutalities committed by Black Widow, the terrorist organisation that haunts these parts and routinely kidnaps train workers and engineers. This is one of the bloodiest railway routes around.

7. Pamban Bridge - The most dangerous sea bridgeThis route that connects Rameshwaram to central India is actually a train route over the sea! If that wasn't amazing enough however, it also has a mechanism that allows ships to pass underneath, at one time requiring 12 people to manually pull levers that change the ascent. This bridge is also a 100 years old, making it that muchmore deadly.

8. Siju - Dim caves and high BridgesSiju in Meghalaya is home to mysterious limelighted caves as well as one of the most notorious hanging bridges in the world. Tethered high in the mountains between two hills, this flimsy bridge made of chipping wood and gnawed rope is bound to give you more than a few scares

9. Chambal Valley - Bandits and outlawsThe Chambal Valley in Central India has been known since decades as the stomping grounds of some of the country'smost lethalDakoos. With steep ravines, a huge river as a water source and countlesslabyrinthine caves, this area has always maintained a certain mystery coupled with sheer threat.

10. Kailash Manasarovar Pilgrimage - Extreme altitudesThe trek involves climbing up to dizzying altitudes of 18,000 feet to catch a glimpse of Mount Kailash. While some yogis and practitioners do it every year bare-foot and wearing only a loincloth, most first timers have to deal with altitude sickness, nausea and blurred vision. Yikes!

11. Hemis National Park - Extreme weatherand wildlifeThe rough terrain of this trek in Ladakh is only the first of many challenges one faceshere. The temperature is below -20 degrees and the place also has a higher than average number of snow leopards. Onthe bright side, you probably won't feel it if one of those leopards bites off a frozen toe anyway!

12. Gurez Valley - Avalanches and landminesGurez or Gurais, as it is also known, is located 120 km from Srinagar, right below the Line of Control. Such close proximity tothis terse area has had it's effect on the people, with reports of stray landmines having blown people's legs off. It is also highly avalanche prone, once experiencing 80 avalanches in 3 days. This turbulent zone's danger is offset by the sheer beautyaround though.

13. Bhangarh Fort - Haunted by the spirit ofa destructivesadhuBhangarh Fort in Rajasthan is known worldwide equally for it's external beauty as well as it's haunted interiors. People only live on the outskirts of the fort for fearof violent spirits and the fort is closed off to visitors at night due to several early abductions and deaths of thrill seekers, including cases of people going mad with fear in the fort.

14. Kuldhara - The disappearing villageKuldhara used to be a bustling village in Rajasthan about 300 years ago with a healthy population and good relations with it's neighbours. Now however, it lies as a ghost town, untouched by the ravages of time and maintaining an eery disquiet. Legend says that in 1825, all the good people of Kuldhara and it's neighbouring villages up and disappeared, never to be seen again anywhere. Alien abductions seems likely...

15. Dumas Beach - Mysterious tourist disappearancesThe Dumas Beach in Gujarat has always been shrouded in mystery, considered withextra care as it is also a cremation ground. There have been several reported disappearances around this beach, and it doesn't seem to be sharks that are doing the taking. Black sands and dark nights make this a place to maintain a good distance from after dark.

10 things to know about LORD hanuman

1.PawanputraHanuman was an incarnation of Lord Shiva and is consideredto be an exemplification of strength, devotion, and perseverance.Source: Sony TVAnjana, a beautiful Apsara in celestial palace court of Lord Brahma was cursed by a sage that, the moment she fell in love her face would transform to that of a monkey. Lord Brahma thought of helping her and she

took birth on Earth. Later, Anjana fell in love with Kesari, the monkey king and they both married each other. Being an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva, she continued with hertapasyato please the God. Lord Shiva
impressed and she wished him to be her son so that she would be freed from the curse of the sage.Few days later, King Dasrath was performing ayagnaafter which the sage gave himkheerto feed all his wives. A portion of Kaushlya, his eldest wife, was snatched by a kite who flew all the way where Anjana was meditating. Lord Vayu (aka Pawan – Wind) on the signal of Lord Shiva kept thekheer in Anjana’s hand. Thinking it as Lord Shiva’sprasadAnjana ate it and thus gave birth to his incarnation –Pawan PutraHanuman, the son of the Lord of the Winds

2. The deityonce appliedsindoorall over his body for Lord Rama’s long life.Source: BoldSkyLord Hanuman was greatly devoted to Lord Rama. A particular incident was whenSita putsindooron her forehead, Hanuman asked her why. To this, she replied that since she is the wife and companion of Lord Rama, thesindoorwas a sign of her unconditional love and respect. Hanuman then covered his entire body with sindoor to prove his love for Lord Rama. Lord Rama was really impressed by this and granted a boon that those who worshiped Lord Hanuman in the future withsindoorwould see all their difficulties go away.

3. The name, 'Hanuman' actually means 'disfigured jaw' in Sanskrit.Source: Sony TVIn Sanskrit, 'Hanu' means 'Jaw' and 'Man' means 'Disfigured'. No wonder, Hanuman’sjaw as a kid was disfigured by none other than Lord Indra who had used his vajra (thunderbolt) against Anjaneya, who took sun as a ripened mango and even went to trace it up in the sky. It was there in the skythat Lord Indra had used his vajra which threw Hanuman straight on the Earth, damaging his jaw forever.

4. Although he was abrahmchari, Lord Hanuman had a son - Makardhwaja.Source: HDwwallpapersHanuman’s Son Makardhwaja was born to a mighty fish of thesame name when Hanuman after burning the entire Lanka with his tail had dipped in the sea to cool off his body. It is said that his sweat was swallowed by the fish and thus Makardhwaja was conceived

.5.Once, Lord Ram issued a death sentenceto Lord Hanuman!Source: StephenKnappAfter Lord Ram became the King, once, when the court was adjourned, Narada – known for creating disharmony between Ram and Hanuman – asked Hanuman to greet all the sages except Vishwamitra, since he was a King once. Hanuman did so,but it did not affect Vishwamitra.Narada went on and instigated Vishwamitra, which angered him so much that he went to Ram and asked him to punish Hanuman to death. Vishmamitra being his guru, Ram could not ignore his command and punished Hanuman to deathby arrows. Next day in the field, the statement was to be executed, but all arrows failed to do any harm to Hanuman as he kept chanting Ram!Since Ram had to abide by his Guru’s word,he decided to use the Brahmastra. To the surprise of all, Hanuman’s chants of Ram even failed the most powerful Brahmastra! Seeing this, Narada went to Vishwamitra and confessed his mistake, stopping the ordeal!

6.Hanuman also created his version of Ramayan – which was supposedly a superior version compared to that of Valmiki’s.Source: LumimgAfter the war at Lanka, Hanuman went to Himalaya for continuing his reverence of Lord Ram, Hanuman etched his version of Ram’s tale on the walls of the Himalayas with his nails.When Maharshi Valmiki visited Hanuman to show his version of Ramayana, he saw the walls and felt sad as Valmiki believed that Hanuman’s Ramayana was superior and that his arduously created version of the Ramayana would remain unnoticed. Realising this, Hanuman discarded his version. Taken aback, Valmiki said he would love to be reborn to sing the glory ofHanuman!

7. Lord Hanuman and Lord Bhima were both brothers.Source: PassionConnectBhima was also the son of Vayu (the Lord of the Winds). One day, when Bhima was searching for a flower his wife wanted, he saw a monkey sleeping with his tail crossing the path. He asked him to move his tail. But the monkey didn’t do it and asked Bhima to move it. Bhima was very arrogant with his strength. Nevertheless, he couldn’t move or lift the tail. Therefore, he realized that this was not a mere ordinary monkey. It was none other than Hanuman. He lied there just to reduce the arrogance of Bhima.

8.When Lord Rama’s time of death was at hand, Lord Hanuman barred Yama from claiming him.Source: DeviantArtWhen Lord Rama decided to leave his earthly existence for his journey to Vaikuntha (heavenly abode of Lord Vishnu), he knew that Hanuman would not let him do so as he was a great devotee. So he instructed Hanuman to find his ring which had fallen on the ground and then disappeared in the Patal Loka. Hanuman went on the task of finding the ring and was met by the King of Spirits. He told him that the falling of the ring signified that the time for the end of Lord Ram's avatar had come.

9. LordHanuman Once Rejected Goddess Sita's Gift.Source: TheFreedomTravellerWhen Sita gave Hanuman a beautiful pearl necklace as a gift he politely declined it saying he doesn’t accept anything that is devoid of Ram’s name. To prove his point, the ardent devotee then ripped off his chest to reveal an image of both of them.

10. There are 108 names for Lord Hanuman in the Sanskrit Language!Source: RadheGovindYou can read about all of themhere.There are many things we really don’t know about Lord Hanuman. Especially the fact that unknowingly through his life, the deity himself has taught us numerous life lessons. To know them, watchSony TV’s Mahabali Hanuman, a beautiful show where every episode ends with a heartening lesson from the lord’s life.


Wednesday 2 March 2016

places where sun never sets

A 24 hour to 20 hour daytime which varies per the proximity to the pole, for an extended time period, that essentially means that for weeks and months altogether it is bright and sunny! These places obviously have a specific geographical location, close to the poles ofthe earth. This phenomenon occurs because the Earth is tilted on its axis by approximately 23 degrees. At the poles, North Pole and South Pole, this means thatthe sun only rises and sets once each year.These phenomena are observed more nearthe North Pole, the Arctic Circle, owing to it having human settlements. And even though they also occur in southern regionsnear the Antarctic Circle, owing to it being an uninhabited continent, it is only ever experienced by scientist missions or the odd adventurer. The maximum timelines for this phenomenon are: At the South Pole, the sun rises on September 21 and does not set until March 22, the following year. At the North Pole, the sun rises on March 22 and sets on September 21, the same year.There are many countries with areas withinor bordering the Arctic Circle to where you can plan your exotic holiday. Some of these areas include the northernmost partsof Canada, Greenland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Alaska and Iceland.Are you planning a vacation to the place/places where the sun never sets or to a land of the midnight sun, a place where in summer the sun can often be seen past midnight? Then read on to know more so that you can plan an exotic holidayto just such a destination. Some destinations are listed below:

1 -NorwayDue to Norway’s high latitude, there are large seasonal variations in daylight. During the summer months or from late May to late July, the sun never completely descends beneath the horizon in areas north of the Arctic Circle (hence Norway’s description as the “Land of the Midnight Sun” and the rest of the country experiences up to 20 hours of daylight per day. So, if you wish to experience a complete daytime, visit Northern Norway, where the sun literally never sets. Thus, you can book a cycle tour, go sea kayaking,fishing, golfing or take a cruise to soak in the experience of your days of midnight sun in Northern Norway.

2 -Iceland A country full of beautiful varied landscapes with an ethereal quality where you can visit waterfalls, volcanoes, glaciersand geysers or go camping and diving. Plus, you can also ride the Icelandic horsesor play the leisure sport of golf at any of the 65 golf courses at midnight.

3 -CanadaIn Inuvik and Northwest Territories, Canada, it is daytime for about 50 days during the summer! Fishing and hunting, participating in the Great Northern Arts Festival (annual feature in mid-July), playing golf on the tundra and participatingin the Midnight Sun Fun Run (starts at midnight on the weekend closest to the summer solstice) are some activities that you can enjoy when you visit these places where the sun never sets.

4 -SwedenWhen in Sweden, you can enjoy the midnight sun in Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden where the sun sets around midnight and rises again at 4:30 am in the morning. Stockholm actually consists of 14 islands, it is also located at the place where Lake Malaren joins the Baltic Sea, and thus, 30% of Stockholm is made-up of waterways. Go for a ride on the waters to view the midnight sun.Skansen is another Swedish town, replica of 19th century Sweden with traditional houses, trades people and artisans. Also, Skansen has the oldest open-air museum in the world, is open at the time when you can enjoy the midnight sun. Plus, you can visit Bjorkliden to enjoy night golf in broad daylight, no less! When you are in Sweden, do think of going for night hiking in the mountains at Lapporten or Abisko NationalPark, right in the Swedish Lapland.

5 -FinlandSkiing, cycling, rock climbing and hiking are some activities where you can have funwhen you are visiting this country of the midnight sun. You can plan your holiday to Finland during the Finnish National Holidayof Midsummer (during the months when sun does not set) when people light bonfires, go for boating and fishing.

One of the best place to visit before you DIE

Glowing blue tide at night in Vaadhoo, Maldives
Vaadhoo Island, Maldives.The famous group of islands are known for being a heaven on Earth. But Vaadhoo Island has a lot of surprises, that arerevealed at night.The mesmerizing shining water looks like a mirror, that reflects the sparkling stars above. However, the secret is this: phytoplankton – the marine microbes – are bioluminescent and emanate the blue glow. The species create the most romantic natural lighting in the world.

The BERMUDA Triangle (Dangerous) one

10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is one of the world’s biggest unsolved mysteries. Also known as Devil’s Triangle, the triangle extends from the island of Bermuda to Miami, USA to San Juan, Puerto Rico and is believed to contain a supernatural secret. You will not find the Bermuda Triangle on a map, but the name can strike fear into the hearts of many people. Thousands of people and several planes, ships and boats have vanished inside this triangle. Explanations given for these disappearances vary from scientific to myth. Here are some shocking facts you didn’t know about the Bermuda Triangle.

Not Really A Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is not really a triangle. Neither does this area have any official boundary, nor any particular shape. The Bermuda Triangle is also not recognized as a real place by the United States Navy.
The Bermuda Triangle is one of the uncommon places on the planet where the compass points towards true north and not magnetic north. This generates confusion and that is why several planes and ships lost their course in the Bermuda Triangle.

Lost City Of Atlantis

Two researchers, Pauline Zalitzki and Paul Weinzweig, have confirmed that a huge city exists at the bottom of the ocean. The ancient city includes four giant pyramids and sphinxes and sits within the boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle. Many people believe that this could be the lost city of Atlantis.

Bermuda Triangle Accidents

According to research, reports of the Bermuda Triangle have been overstated and that the differences between the Bermuda Triangle accidents and other areas of the world are not major.

Atlantic Undersea Test And Evaluation Center

Inside the Bermuda Triangle, the American Government has Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center which is located on the Bahamas’ Andros Island. Here the Navy tests their sonar, submarines and other weapons. However, several people believe that it is more than just the testing center

Methane Gas

Large amounts of methane gas is trapped below the seabed of the Bermuda Triangle. A ruptured methane gas pocket causes density of water to drop and could cause ships above to sink.

Navy Avenger Torpedo Bombers

One of the biggest losses of US Military happened back in 1945. Five US Navy Avenger torpedo bombers flew from the Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station, Florida, for a sortie to the Bimini island. After 90 minutes, the radio operators got a signal that the compass was not functioning. Thereafter, the communication was lost and the Navy Avenger torpedo bombers were never discovered.

No Formal Study

Only private investigations have been carried out to unearth the disappearances within the Bermuda Triangle. No formal study has been carried out to explore the Triangle.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Heaven on EARTH

Heaven on Earth: Amazing salt flats where the sky and ground merge into one to create dreamy landscapes
Who knows what awaits when St Peter lets us through those pearly gates. But perhaps influenced by the odd film or two, this is the sort of view of heaven many will have in mind.It’s almost impossible to distinguish in these dream-like landscapes where the sky ends andthe ground begins.And with the addition of a few figures praying and dancing, even a few cars rumbling through, they take on an outer-worldly feel.Popular spot: Tourists have been visiting thearea for years, and can stay in homes cut offfrom the modern world
Mirror image: This tourist visiting the South American region is reflected in the salt flats, which are over 3,000m above sea level

But they are of course taken here on Earth, in Bolivia's Uyuni salt flats to be precise.The flats, located in Southern Bolivia near the country's Tunupa volcano make up the world's largest salt desert, around 11,000 km sq.That makes it even larger than Lake Titicaca, the vast stretch of water shared by Bolivia and neighbouring Peru.

Mirror image: It is hard to tell where the lakes end and the clouds begin in this beautiful image
Power: The lithium in the area makes up halfthe world's supply and is used in batteries for mobile phones and computers, as well as being a key element in electric cars

Power: The lithium in the area makes up halfthe world's supply and is used in batteries for mobile phones and computers, as well as being a key element in electric cars
Stunning: The salt flats themselves are 3,600m above sea level in the Andes - making it almost possible, it seems, to reachup and touch the clouds from the groundAnd the salt flats themselves are 3,600m above sea level in the Andes - making it almostpossible, it seems, to reach up and touch the clouds from the ground.The area has long been popular with tourists, particularly those looking for a holiday with a difference.

Visitors to the area can take in the vast white expanse of salt and the stunning surrounding vistas, while staying with locals in an area which feels cut off from the modern world.

Distant: This hiker is just a dot in the distance in the beautiful salt lakes
Out of this world: Bolivia's Uyuni salt flats are spectacular
Hypnotic: The flats, located in Southern Bolivia near the country's Tunupa volcano make up the world's largest salt desert, around 11,000 km sq

Stunning: The hexagons in this landscape evolved after the salt pan, near Bolivia's Volcano Tunupa, had dried up

'There is great interest in community tourism, to live with the people in the countryside, and even join them in their meals," said Rosa Perez, who heads the Uyuni regional tourism board. 'The communities have set up a few rooms with beds to be able to live with the visitors.'